Appeal to Justice is a Blog written by Washington appellate attorney Shannon Kilpatrick. The blog primarily looks at Washington state-related legal issues. Shannon practices at Stritmatter Kessler Koehler Moore in Seattle where she handles civil appeals in state and federal court as well as assisting the lawyers in the firm with cases in trial court.

It's been a minute ...

I’ve been radio silent the last 10 months, not for any particular reason. Just life gets in the way sometimes. [shrug emoji] Here’s a few updates on me before I get back to blogging about the law.

I’m now practicing over at Stritmatter Kessler Koehler Moore in Seattle. It’s an incredible group of smart, dedicated, creative lawyers trying to right the wrongs done to our clients. Yes, I’m still handling appeals, both for the firm and outside clients/lawyers.

Here’s an example of one of the cases I’ve been involved in at Stritmatter: a civil murder case in which the jury found the defendant Tracy Nessl killed Tim McNamara, her uncle and lover, in Belize. (This case has just about everything a made for TV movie on Lifetime could ever hope for—a forbidden love, incest, a tropical backdrop, murder, and a family’s years-long quest to find justice for their dad.) As a result of the trial, Tim McNamara’s family was able to recover the family farm from Nessl and lay him to rest there.

I’ll still be blogging here, but you’ll also find me blogging (and maybe podcasting?) over at Token Majority, a community resource started by several of my brilliant and colleagues at Stritmatter to help demystify the law and advocate for change in our legal system. Here’s my first post on the Token Majority blog about the racial bias that still exists in our judicial system.

If you’re interested in the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard trial, Ruby and Melanie have recorded six episodes on the trial so far for the Token Majority podcast, that look at the case from a legal perspective. They are fun and educational, and Ruby and Melanie have lots of things to talk about!

I was also recently appointed to the Washington State Supreme Court Gender and Justice Commission. I’m very honored by the appointment and excited to support the work done by the Commission. Last year I co-authored two chapters, Part II chapter 5 and Part II chapter 6, in the Commission’s groundbreaking 2021 Gender Justice Study Report.

Anyway, my blogging here won’t change. Well, except hopefully it will be more frequent that every 10 months.

US Supreme Court sides with consumers

Sometimes it pays to file that motion for reconsideration